Friday, January 23, 2009

ithcy itchy thingy~

At first I thought it was only a pimple that lying on my below left side’s itchy and I stared to garu-garu that thingy..then it became bigger and worse..i felt my lips dah mcm bibir angie..then I asked my mom to get me to some clinics since dah lame aku x pegi mane2 klinik..mak just said it was just a small thing..tak payah la sesusah nk g klinik..and she added that “tu la..mulut jahat da kene..” and I was like..duhhh..wut ever..for the next morning, while taking my bath, this kinda disease ttbe ade couple..and while I was brushing my teeth, terasa pedih yg amat..and that also happened when I eat, lagi2 musim raye cina’d u feel if u eat an orange with cracked lips? Must be pedih kan?? But Im taking it with double pedih! And I cannot take it longer so while driving braem to Bandar for his phone prob..i fetched my mom then straight away ke klinik hamimah..since my dad dah pencen so I have no longer dpt panel TM..kene bayar la nmpak nye..

While in the room with the doctor, he asked me wut’s the prob..n I said la..”bibir saye nie memula gatal2..lpas garu2 jadik la cmnie” sambil menjuihkan bibir ke doctor tuh..

Ade allergic dgn apa2? Ape yg awak makan? Ade pakai ape2 x kt bibir? Lipgloss? Lipbalm? Dan pelbagai la soalan..

Nope, saye x allergic dgn ape2..saya makan nasi cm org lain..mmm saye pakai lip ice, tp da lama pakai xde ape2 pon..

That doctor assumed that I have an allergic and he suggested me not to apply that lip ice anymore..and he gave me two descriptions. 1st, ubat makan utk kurangkan alah and 2nd, ubat sapu untuk kurangkan bengkak..and that ubat sapu is kinda poisoning so it’s kinda hard to apply since I have to put it on my lips and I have kinda habit that like to wet lips with my saliva..i mean, who doesn’t rite..

Oleh kerana dah x dapat menahan dat kegatalan, I straight away applied dat ubat sapu. At first, I just applied it on the distracted area..but then I thought that the disease might merebak di area2 lain pd dgn genius nya I applied it on the whole lips..and the effect was, I suffered with dried lips yg teramat..

I seriously don’t know what actually happened, mungking digigit nyamuk..or mungkin some kind hygienic sis said “errrr ko kene nie haaa..ape..syphilis!!” gile sengal yg tak hengatt!! Wut would u think I am?? Even though my age allowed me to do some seks rambang..but still, im an innocent person..then she started questioning me with some ridiculous ques..” ko ade share berus gigi dgn sape2?” and “ko ade pinjam lipstick org yg wat seks?” mmmm as far as im! and my answer for that lipstick ques is yes! Aku pinjam lipstick kau la..ahahaa ko la pembawa penyakit cmtuh..psycho~

But im positive that it’s not that disgusting thingy..still taking on that descriptions..semoga aku cepat2 sihatt..aminnnn…

p/s: mengaru-garu..

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