i start a new sem with a new breath..it started with a new roomate, new place to stay, new shirt, new me? i dont think so..i'll never change anything inside..that's i make sure for it..not for the short-term investment nor the Philips curve..just like other previous trimesters, i woke up an hour early to get ready for faces i wont know till the end of trimester, starting the assignment grouping that i will turn around find the faces that familiar but will end up with dissapointment, for facing the lecturer but forth and foremost, for attendance. no more red attendance diba! and no more get barred..
now im in 3rd week for the 1st trimester for the 2nd year degree and im still trying to adapt myself with the new environment...but things that for sure it wont change; every weekend i will spend money and time with my sisters..i scheduled it as "happy-family-hour-time"..just put my family as the priority top of my life..
talk about "happy-family-hour-time", last weekend i went to melaka with some of my family members, of course, we couldnt fit the quote as some of them got stuff to do. we watched TRANSFORMER together. at first thought i was "mak ayah paham ke citer2 cmnie?" but then while in the cinema, i saw my mom was eagerly sititng off her shoulder from the sit. and yet, she laughed for some scenes..wahh cayalah mak..
but what makes me a bit annoyed were; the movie was labeled as p13! i repeat, p13! but i can hear a scream crying from toddler..what was that?? my advice to their parents, get a babysitter! or else keep your child's mouth shut! everybody paid for watching it peacefully, other's investment will depreciate if some sort of incident happens..i mean, they are only child, how could they understand "owh my son is not a virgin anymore..." or "what i will show you is a big secret, do not tell my mom"
second, there were some kids that keep coming in and out from the middle sits with laughing and playing around that place..excuse me, this is not a playground, people do not pay for playground..again, parents, control your kids, or else, keep off your butt away...far far awayyy...
third, i was sitting at the right top of the cinema's entrance..now you get the idea how totally irritated i was when late comers were coming and they couldnt reach their sits while talking to each other in front of me!!! hey F you, move la weii..
fourth, there was a big indian worker guy who kept walking slowly in front of me to look around the place..aneyy, looking for your shit?? there were nothing here that you could do..the thing that you could do only get rid off the kids under 13-year-old but u didnt..and why still wanna walking around..especially, again, in front of me???!!
you wont let people bring outside foods into the cinema, yea we all knew that, but you just close your eyes and let a toddler to watch some romance and violence parts??
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