Tuesday, July 15, 2008

kerja ku direject :(

mannn..i've another couple of days to complete my assignment..n my sketch has been rejected! God help me...im so clueless now..wut should i sketch more?? for awareness of global warming..wut else can i think?? earth?? or earth?? omg wut's on earth on me now..n i've a problem with adobe ilustrator too..scan it n save it as template and wut else..huh im blank! totally blank! plus..i've no friend to discuss with..my sis? yeah keep on working sis..others?? they r not in my course..classmates?? believe me..im not frenly..not frenly as i used to..wish i still alive after this friday (the presentation!) wish me luck~


Farah Alias said...

diba! i know u can do it! i believe u can!! :)

Haffid said...

Waaa.Sure Wish U LUCK

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